How Rearrest After A Bail Release Can Affect You

Posted on: 12 June 2023

After being released on bond following an arrest, the goal is to stay out of trouble. However, some people find themselves in a situation where they are rearrested after release. As you might imagine, this event can impact the individual in several ways. Learn more about the dynamics of this scenario.

The Bond Can Be Revoked

The most immediate concern you may have is whether or not the judge will revoke the bond. A rearrest after you have been granted release does not look good to a judge and comes with consequences. Especially in those cases of an arrest for a crime violent in nature or for one that is an extension of an existing crime, such as violating a protective order, the judge can decide to withdraw the bond altogether, which would require the defendant to remain in jail until their trial and sentencing are completed.  

You Must Notify The Bondsman 

You must let the bondsman know you have been arrested again if you ever find yourself in this scenario. If you have a required court appearance while in custody, the fact that you missed the hearing due to incarceration is not an excuse. You must notify the bondsman and the courts of your location to reschedule your court date. If not, your absence will prompt an automatic forfeiting of your bail. 

A New Bond May Be Issued

Every arrest serves as a new case and, therefore, a new bond. The fact you posted bail for the previous arrest will have no bearing on the recent arrest. You will likely be issued a second bail amount for the arrest, requiring you to contact a bondsman for a separate bail request. It is generally best to work with a single bonds company for both requests to minimize confusion.

Existing Bonds Can Be Increased

Being rearrested is considered a new case, but this does not mean it will not impact your previous arrest. Again, depending on the nature of the arrest, a judge can increase the bail amount on your last arrest. While the court will take the previous amount you posted into consideration, you will only be released when you make up the difference between the old and new bail amounts. Speaking with a bond professional can help with this step.

If you or a loved one is arrested while out on bail, you need to contact the bail bonds professional you are working with as soon as possible, so ensure you complete this step.  Reach out to a local bondsman to learn more.


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